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post @сам_себе_режиссер

пальцы билли неуклюжие, наполовину онемевшие от холода, когда он набирает очередное сообщение для дафны. по пояс он торчит в окно второго этажа, чтобы не дымить в комнату. экран расплывается перед его глазами; то ли от биллиной усталости, то ли от алкоголя, порядком разлившегося по венам, он уже не может определить.

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Stephen sees a ghost

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Crimson Peak

гостевая | ❝Stories are not written or invented by someone who says, "Well, that's how it is," with distorted pessimistic forecasts; nor do they come from someone who dismisses everything with the words, "I don't care what happens anymore." Only those who look at a thin ray of light and take an uncertain step forward — only from this step the story is born.❞
8 273 гостевая
Сегодня 18:30:28 - Orphea Carter

There are ghosts here

акции | ❝Ghosts exist. Something binds the souls of the dead to a place, as it happens to all of us. For some, it's a piece of land where their blood was once spilled and a murder was committed. But there are others: they are held back by feelings, desires, loss, revenge... or love.❞
3 21 нужные персонажи
Сегодня 07:48:26 - Skye Bennet

Cute bones

шаблон анкет | ❝The dead can talk to us, spirits flicker among the living, move, unite and laugh at us. They make up the air we breathe. Each of us is a ghost to the others and our only reality.❞
9 17 lionel hudson, 24
Сегодня 20:57:43 - Erica Carter

Whoever went there went alone

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Paranormal Activity

пиар | ❝Fear is not a sign of cowardice. This fear allows us to be brave and dignified in the face of life situations. Someone who has experienced fear–and, despite it, acted without letting it intimidate them–proves their bravery.❞
2 1130 пиар 0.2
Сегодня 21:58:32 - PR


партнеры | ❝Most likely, ghosts have always lived not in castles and enchanted rooms, but in people's minds. And if he wants to shoot the ghost, he'll have to point the muzzle at his temple.❞
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20 26 malleus maleficarum
Сегодня 09:03:48 - PR

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